Designation of Origin “Aceite del Bajo Aragón”
Virgin Olive Oil from “Bajo Aragón”
The Aceite del Bajo Aragón Designation of Origin is located in the north-east of Teruel and the south-east of the province of Zaragoza, a geographical area that happens to be one of the most important olive oil producing areas in the north of Spain. It occupies a cultivated area of 37,000 hectares, with an average density of 70 olive trees/ha, and is made up of 77 municipalities.
The list of municipalities included in the Aceite del Bajo Aragón D.O. is as follows: Aguaviva, Alacón, Albalate, Alborge, Alcañíz, Alcorisa, Alloza, Almochuel, Almonacid de la Cuba, Andorra, Arens de Lledó, Ariño, Azaila, Beceite, Belchite, Belmonte de San José, Berge, Bordón, Calaceite, Calanda, Cañizar del Olivar, Caspe, Castellote, Castelnou, Castelserás, Chiprana, Cinco Olivas, Cretas, Crivillén, Escatrón, Estercuel, Fabara, Fayón, Fórnoles, Foz- Calanda, Fuentes de Ebro, Fuentespalda, Gargallo, Hijar, Jatiel, La Cerollera, La Codoñera, La Fresneda, La Gata, La Ginebrosa, La Mata de los Olmos, La Portellada, La Puebla de Hijar, La Zaida, Las Parras de Castellote, Letux, Lledó, Los Olmos, Maella, Mas de las Matas, Mazaleón, Mequinenza, Molinos, Monroyo, Nonaspe, Oliete, Peñarroya de Tastavins, Quinto de Ebro, Ráfales, Samper de Calanda, Sástago Seno, Torre de Arcas, Torre del Compte, Torrecilla de Alcañíz, Torrevelilla, Urrea de Gaén, Valdealgorfa, Valderrobres, Valdetormo, Valjunquera y Vinaceite.

Data from the Designation of Origin Aceite del Bajo Aragón
- The CRDO Aceite del Bajo Aragón was constituted in October 2001
- Oil production: 32,000,000 kg. olive (2015/2016 campaign)
- Marketing: 2,200,000 litres of certified oil (01/01/2016 – 31/12/2016)
- Exports: Approximately 10% of the total marketed (2015/2016 season)
- Number of registered companies: 36 (4 packers and 32 mills)
- The olive varieties used to make the oil under this designation are Empeltre, Arbequina and Royal of the Olea Europea L. species.
- The Designation of Origin includes the “Bajo Aragón” region of Teruel, Zaragoza and the Belchite countryside.