Oil Tasting
Visual phase
In the visual phase, the oil can be referred to as clear (from filtering and decantation), dull and opalescent, as positive descriptions, and turbid or dirty as negative ones. The colour of the oil varies between green and a range of yellows (straw, golden or greenish yellow) if it is in perfect condition. If, however, it is faulty in any way, it will be qualified as whitish, reddish, brownish or dark. Touch phase: When the oil is taken to the mouth, the palate will register its consistency and classify it as pasty, smooth, fluid or watery.

This appraisal has to do with the balance that exists between the aromas and the tastes. The oils are thus qualified as fruity (oils that display characteristics very similar to the class of olive from which they are made), harmonious (oils that present the best balance between aromas and flavours) and unbalanced (oils in which some defect stands out).

Smell phase
The pleasant olfactory sensations that are obtained in this phase are fruity smells of olive, apple, ripe fruit, unripe fruit, green leaves, green grass or fig tree. The negative ones are those that produce winey, bitter, vinegary, mouldy, rancid and fusty aromas, among others.
Taste phase
The sensations perceived on the palate are evaluated according to intensity, taste and quality. Among the range of correct tastes are fruity, clear, fresh, fruit-like, bitter or almondy, among others. Negative taste sensations are bitter, sharp, dry-leaves taste, taste of pressing mat, sediment or rotten, among others.