Recipe with olive oil

Lobster and monkfish ragout with asparagus sauce, soy mayonnaise and virgin olive oil


Extra virgin olive oil
1 monkfish
200 gr. of lobster
Soy mayonnaise (200 gr. of extra virgin olive oil, ½ lemon, 2 egg yokes, 15 gr. of soy sauce)
6 green and white asparagus tips
Asparagus sauce (6 asparagus stalks, 50 gr. of butter, 50 gr. of liquid cream and 250 cc. of water)


Thinly slice the green and white asparagus and brown it lightly on a pan. Put half of it aside. Crush the other half and add asparagus juice until you obtain a thin sauce.
Bake the lobster and then remove all the flesh. Sauté the monkfish in the frying pan with garlic, parsley and virgin olive oil.

Finish and presentation

Place the lobster and pieces of monkfish in the centre of a soup dish with the fried asparagus tips referred to above and cover with asparagus sauce.
Place a touch of soy mayonnaise on top, with a little chive.